What’s new and upcoming (April 19th, 2020)

Published April 19, 2020 by

Greetings! Here’s a quick run down on what’s new and upcoming.

Senseis say ‘Hello!’ Short messages from Honpa Hongwanji ministers

The State Ministers Association launched a YouTube playlist as a way to continue to sharing the Dharma. Short videos are posted every few days. This past week there were two Hello messages: one from Rev. Shinji Kawagoe of Honomu, Honohina, Papaaloa and Papaikou Hongwanji, Big Island and one from Rev. David Fujimoto of Mililani and Ewa Hongwanji:


Online Sunday service from the State Ministers Association

During the statewide stay-at-home order due to the coronavirus outbreak, the HHMH State Ministers Association will continue sharing a weekly service via YouTube on Sundays at 10 a.m. Scheduled for this Sunday is Rev. Jeffrey Soga.

Please visit and subscribe to the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii YouTube channel:

Our Facebook page

Also checkout the activity on our Facebook page, such as this recent post:

Take care,

Moiliili Hongwanji Mission

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