Invitation to February 14th Sunday Service
Good evening. Please see listing below of what’s new and upcoming at Moiliili Hongwanji Mission, including Rev. Umitani’s invitation to this Sunday’s service. Hope you can all join us! We have general announcements that may be of interest to the Moiliili Hongwanji community, as well. Thank you.
“The White Way” Radio Broadcast for February 6th, 2021
The guest speaker for “The White Way” Radio Broadcast for February 6th, 2021 was Mrs. Nancy Shimamoto, Member, Moiliili Hongwanji Mission. This broadcast was sponsored by the Morikubo Family.
Invitation to Sunday Service, February 14th, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom

Dear Moiliili Hongwanji Members and Friends,
I would like to welcome you and your family to our Online Sunday Service on February 14, 2021.
Nirvana Day Service
Speaker: Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani
- You are welcomed to share the Zoom link with your family and friends who are interested in joining in our Sunday Service.
- Your donation is greatly appreciated. Please go to
- 2/21 9am Sunday Service & 12pm Online Shinnen Enkai (New Year’s Party)
- 3/27 Honolulu/Oahu Seminar with Bishop Marvin Harada: NembutsuSeminar2021 (
Available YouTube Videos:
- Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii: (1) Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii – YouTube
- BCA Center for Buddhist Education: (2) BCA Center for Buddhist Education – YouTube
I hope to see you this Sunday. In Gassho,
Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani
Resident Minister, Moiliili Hongwanji Mission

2/21 Moiliili Hongwanji’s Online Shinnen Enkai (New Year’s Party)
Moiliili Hongwanji’s New Year Shinnen Enkai is scheduled for Sunday, February 21st. Here’s the schedule:
9:00 | Sunday Zoom Service |
10:00 | General Annual Membership Meeting |
10:30-11:30 | Drive-thru Bento Pick-up (Pre-orders only, due by February 14th) |
12:00 | Online (Zoom) Shinnen Enkai Program & Silent Auction (donations due by February 10th) |
We hope to see everyone on February 21st!
3/27 (Sat) 9am-11am 2021 SPRING VIRTUAL NEMBUTSU SEMINAR with Bishop Marvin Harada (BCA)
“Buddhism & Everyday Life”
Presented by Bishop Marvin Harada, BCA
Saturday, March 27, 2021
9:00-11:00 am (Hawaii Standard Time)
Sponsored by the Honolulu & Oahu Hongwanji Councils and the Office of Buddhist Education.
Seeing Buddhism in our everyday life by looking at examples from Shin Buddhists whose everyday life experience was their greatest teacher, but based on their deep listening and foundation of the Dharma.
Registration is FREE! and quick & easy, just click on the link below.
Deadline to register is March 20, 2021
Online registration form (Google Forms)
Printable Registration Form (PDF)
2/14 (Sun) Moiliili Hongwanji’s Buddhist Women’s Association General Meeting
MH BWA will hold its first General Meeting of 2021 on Sunday, February 14 after the regular Sunday service at approximately 10:15 a.m. on a separate Zoom link. Contact BWA President Donna Higashi for more details.
10 most commonly asked questions about the coronavirus vaccine
Have questions about the coronavirus vaccinations? In this video link, CBS This Morning’s Dr. David Agus answers the 10 most commonly asked questions about the coronavirus vaccines: The video is very informative and was recommended by temple members.
2/13 Mass vaccination event coming up this Saturday
See this announcement from Kaiser Permanente Hawaii below. They are having a vaccination event on Saturday that is open to anyone 75 years and older. You don’t have to be a Kaiser member. Stay safe and healthy.

Kaiser Permanente Hawaii February 9th, 10:16 a.m. We are very excited about our mass vaccination event coming up on Saturday, February 13, at our Mapunapuna Medical Office and still have appointments available for kupuna age 75 years and older. The event is open to members and non-members. Kaiser Permanente members 75 and older may schedule an appointment online via If you are not yet registered on, do so today at If you are unable to schedule your appointment online, you can call 808-432-2000 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Non-members 75 and older can sign up for a vaccination appointment online via (Click on “I’m not a Kaiser Permanente member.”) For up to the minute information about the COVID-19 vaccine, please call our public vaccine hotline at 1-855-550-0951 (TTY 711) or visit for updates. |
2/28 Online social fun for the children
Member Robin Meade wrote in to say he set up a Minecraft Java Edition server and Discord (voice chat) server for his children and is inviting other children aged 8-16 to join in for some fun social interaction. He has 4 spare Minecraft accounts to lend out if needed. Email him at for links and details. An initial time-window of 11-noon Sunday February 28th is planned.
Have a nice week,
Communications Committee
Moiliili Hongwanji Mission
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