Invitation to Hybrid Service on December 11, 2022: MOILIILI HONGWANJI BODHI DAY SERVICE & MONTHLY REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY SERVICE with Dharma message by Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani

Dear Moiliili Hongwanji Members and Friends,
I hope this email finds you well within the Compassionate Light of Amida Buddha. I would like to invite you and your family to our Sunday Service on December 11, 2022, at 9:00 am.
*We hold the Sunday Service in a hybrid setting. You can join us either in person or via Zoom.
*Please contact the temple office if you would like to honor your loved one who passed away in the month of December.
- Opening Remarks
- Kansho (Temple Bell)
- Vandana & Ti-Sarana
- Remembrance
- Sutra Chanting: “Twelve Homages” (*Service Book (PDF) is available online from here.)
- Gatha: “The Bodhi Tree”
- Dharma Message: Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani
- Reading: “Six Paramitas”
- Nembutsu
- Acknowledgments & Announcements
In-Person: Anyone is welcome to attend in person. Refreshments after the Service.
Online: Please click the Zoom link* to join in the service starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Feel free to invite your family and friends to our Sunday Service. Your donation is greatly appreciated. <Donate Now>
- Request for Altar Flowers: We are always in need of flowers for our Temple and Columbarium altars. If you have flowers that are long-lasting or tall greens to share, please bring them to the temple by 4:30 pm on Thursdays or by 8:00 am on Fridays. Ginger and heliconia are good examples. Thank you for your help.
- December 18 – Sunday Service. Speaker: Mr. Clyde Whitworth of Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai
- December 25 – NO Sunday Service
- December 31 – Joya-E (New Year’s Eve) Service at 7:00 pm. Come to the temple to ring the bell.
- January 1, 2023 – Shusho-E (New Year’s Day) Service at 9:00 am
- White Way Broadcast every Saturday at KZOO Radio (AM1210) from 7:45 am-8:00 am Listen to KZOO Radio Online (Click “Listen to KZOO” on their website) – 12/10 Speaker: Rev. Charlene Kihara (New Minister of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii)
- Archive of the White Way Radio Broadcasts
- Dharma School Dana Food Drive: Donations will be sent to the Hawaii Foodbank. Please drop off at the temple office by 12/20.
Toshiyuki Umitani
Resident Minister, Moiliili Hongwanji Mission

Additional announcements:
12/10 Seminar: Hawaii District Ministers Association
Never Alone: Shin Buddhism and End-of-Life Care
When: Dec 10, 2022 10:00 AM HST
Theme: Never Alone: Shin Buddhism and End-of-Life Care
Time Line:
- Keynote Speaker: Rev. Tatsuo Muneto
- Presentations by Hawaii District Ministers
- Q & A
Join Zoom Meeting (click the link below)
12/11 Bodhi Day Holiday Sale
A Bodhi Day Holiday Sale will immediately follow Sunday’s service from 10:00 am. Lots of handmade crafts items and holiday wreaths, among other things, will be on sale.
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