What’s New and Upcoming (November 18th, 2020)
Good morning. Here’s what’s new and upcoming at Moiliili Hongwanji Mission, as well as announcements of events that may be of interest to the Moiliili Hongwanji community.
“The White Way” Radio Broadcast for November 7, 2020

The guest speaker for “The White Way” Radio Broadcast of November 7, 2020 was Rev. Ronald Kobata, Resident Minister at the Buddhist Church of San Francisco. This broadcast was sponsored by Mrs. Jolene Nakamatsu.
Upcoming Sunday Service
SUNDAY, November 22, 9:00 a.m., Online via Zoom
Please join us for our upcoming Sunday service this Sunday, November 22nd, 9:00 a.m.
Dharma Message: Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani
Sharing of My Story: Ann Nakata
This will be an online-only service using Zoom*. Please contact the office and we will send you the service invitation by email.
We will hold an informal Talk Story Session immediately after the Sunday service. Simply stay connected to Zoom after service.
Your donation is greatly appreciated. Please go to https://www.moiliilihongwanji.org/donate/.
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
*Zoom is a video communications app known for its ease of use. You join an online event simply by clicking on a Zoom invitation link. It’s been working quite well for our online Sunday Services these past few months. Please contact the office to be emailed the Zoom invitation link to our online Sunday Services. You can familiarize yourself with Zoom by joining this test meeting (https://zoom.us/test) or consulting the Zoom help article.
Tribute #26 to Health Care Treasures, Essential Workers, and Everyday Stars
Honpa Hongwanji Online Dharma Messages
Honpa Hongwanji Online Dharma Messages are available at their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/honpahongwanjimissionofhawaii
BCA CBE Seminar: Dharma in your Life
The recorded video of the October 24, 2020 CBE Seminar “Dharma in your Life” is available here: https://youtu.be/vapBgEbCpNc. This is a seminar by the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) Center for Buddhist Education (CBE).

Panda Express fundraiser: Wednesday, November 18th

Help raise money for Moiliili Hongwanji Mission by participating in the Panda Express Virtual Community Fundraiser on WEDNESDAY, November 18, 2020, all day. Available at Panda Express locations nationwide. Online orders only. Apply coupon code 901084 during checkout at https://order.pandaexpress.com or via the Panda Express smartphone application. 28% of event sales will be donated to Moiliili Hongwanji Mission! Your support is greatly appreciated! Tell your friends! See our full website post.
The Market Place
Come browse The Market Place, a new section of our website where we have items for sale in a variety of categories including Kitchen, Garden, and Home Accessories.

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