Invitation to Hybrid Sunday Service on July 10, 2022: Obon Major Service & Monthly Remembrance Service

Dear Moiliili Hongwanji Members and Friends,
I would like to invite you and your family to our Sunday Service on July 10, 2022, at 9:00 am.
*We hold the Sunday Service in a hybrid setting. You can join us either in person or via Zoom.
*Contact the office if you would like to honor your loved ones who passed away in July.
- Opening Remarks
- Kansho (Temple Bell)
- Offering of Flowers and Lights
- Meditation and Vandana & Ti-Sarana
- Offering of incense, Sanbujo, and Aspiration by Rev. Umitani
- Remembrance
- Sutra Chanting: “Twelve Homages” (*Service Book (PDF) is available online from here.)
- Gatha: “Ondokusan (II) & Gratefulness (II)”
- Dharma Message: Rev. Mariko Nishiyama (Pearl City Hongwanji Mission)
- Reading: “Shinshu Pledge (I)”
- Nembutsu
- Acknowledgments & Announcements
In-Person: Anyone is welcome to attend in person.
Online: Please click the Zoom link* to join in the service starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Feel free to invite your family and friends to our Sunday Service. Your donation is greatly appreciated. <Donate Now>
- White Way Broadcast every Saturday at KZOO Radio (AM1210) from 7:45am-8:00am: 7/9 Speaker Rev. Kojun Hashimoto (Wahiawa Hongwanji Mission) Listen to KZOO Radio Online (Click “Listen to KZOO” on their website)
- 7/17 Sunday Service with Rev. Bert Sumikawa
- 7/24 Sunday Service with Ms. Laura Ruby
- Archive of the White Way Radio Broadcasts
- Moiliili Hongwanji Market Place
Toshiyuki Umitani
Resident Minister, Moiliili Hongwanji Mission

Additional announcements:
The Market Place
You are invited to visit Moiliili Hongwanji’s
We are actively adding items to the following categories:
Featuring Now
Home Accessories
Cultural Clothing
Craft Kits, Craft Supplies
Handcrafted Items
Games & Entertainments
Name Your Best Offer
Items are available via pick-up
at our temple office on University Ave.
Thank you for supporting The Market Place and Moiliili Hongwanji Buddhist Temple.
7/16 CBE Free Online Seminar: “Finding the Antidote to Anger, the second of the Three Poisons” with Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji
The Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) Center for Buddhist Education (CBE) is presenting an online seminar: Finding the Antidote to Anger, the second of the Three Poisons with guest speaker Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji.
Moderator: Rev. Marvin Harada
When: Saturday, July 16th, 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. HST
Where: Online (Register to receive the Zoom link)
See CBE’s website for full listing of upcoming CBE seminars.
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