Invitation to Hybrid Sunday Service on August 7, 2022: SUNDAY REMEMBRANCE SERVICE

Dear Moiliili Hongwanji Members and Friends,
I would like to invite you and your family to our Sunday Service on August 7, 2022, at 9:00 am.
*We hold the Sunday Service in a hybrid setting. You can join us either in person or via Zoom.
*Please contact the temple office if you would like to honor your loved one who passed away in August.
- Opening Remarks
- Kansho (Temple Bell)
- Meditation and Vandana & Ti-Sarana
- Remembrance
- Sutra Chanting: “Twelve Homages” (*Service Book (PDF) is available online from here.)
- Gatha: “On this morn”
- Dharma Message: Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani
- Reading: “Homages”
- Nembutsu
- Acknowledgments & Announcements
In-Person: Anyone is welcome to attend in person.
Online: Please click the Zoom link* to join in the service starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Feel free to invite your family and friends to our Sunday Service. Your donation is greatly appreciated. <Donate Now>
- White Way Broadcast every Saturday at KZOO Radio (AM1210) from 7:45am-8:00am: 8/6 Speaker Mr. Pieper Toyama (HHMH Immediate Past President) Listen to KZOO Radio Online (Click “Listen to KZOO” on their website)
- 8/14 Temple Picnic (No Zoom. Please join in our in-person gathering. Sign-up requested.)
- 8/21 Regular Hybrid Sunday Service (Speaker: Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani)
- Archive of the White Way Radio Broadcasts
- Moiliili Hongwanji Market Place Open on Mondays from 1pm to 4pm
Toshiyuki Umitani
Resident Minister, Moiliili Hongwanji Mission

Additional announcements:
“The White Way” Radio Broadcast for July 23rd, 2022
Our guest speaker for “The White Way” Radio Broadcast of July 23rd was Dr. Benjamin Buch, humanities teacher at Pacific Buddhist Academy. This broadcast is sponsored by the Horii family in memory of father Hideo, mother Edith, and son Jason Horii.
Sunday 8/14 Moiliili Hongwanji Temple Picnic

Date: Sunday, August 14, 2022
Time: 9:00 am.
Place: Moiliili Hongwanji back parking lot
After working hard to execute a successful 2022 Moiliili Summer Fest and Moiliili Hongwanji Bon Dance, we are now ready for some fun!
What’s in the plans? A Temple Picnic! Where? In the parking lot!
Service will be held outdoors at 9:00 a.m., led by Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani.
Games and laughter will follow with Dharma School families taking the lead. Lunch will highlight bentos & homemade dessert. Please call in your orders to the temple office by August 7th. Drinks will be provided.
Note, there will be no online service on August 14th.
Let’s enjoy the summer with a Temple Picnic on temple grounds. Have a Happy Summer!
Saturdays 8/6, 8/20: BSC 50th Anniversary Presentations
The Buddhist Studies Center (BSC) will be holding their 50th Anniversary Presentations.
NOTE: Due to COVID related issues, the BSC had to make changes to the BSC 50th Anniversary Presentations. The August 13th lecture has been canceled.
Prof. Dennis Hirota’s lectures on August 6th and 20th have been changed to online-only (register to receive the Zoom link), and their time has been changed to 2:00 – 3:30 PM HST.
Encountering the Words of Shinran
Dennis Hirota, Emeritus Professor of Shin Buddhist Studies and Research Fellow, Ryukoku University and Head Translator, Collected Works of Shinran, will give a two-workshop series on Encountering the Words of Shinran.
When: Saturdays, August 6th and 20th from 2:00-3:30 p.m. HST
Where: Online (Register to receive the Zoom link)
Summary of the Content of Prof. Hirota’s Workshops:
This workshop will introduce materials designed to help readers interested in understanding what Shinran said in his own words. Through the provided materials, it will be possible to become familiar with important passages from his writings as he wrote them. No prior knowledge of Japanese language is necessary.
During each workshop, we will practice reading sample passages from Shinran with the help of romanization, literal translation, and simple grammar notes. After the workshop, it will be possible to continue using the materials for a number of important passages selected from Shinran’s writings.
See full event listing at BSC’s website.
The Market Place
You are invited to visit Moiliili Hongwanji’s
Open on Mondays from 1pm to 4pm
We are actively adding items to the following categories:
Featuring Now
Home Accessories
Cultural Clothing
Craft Kits, Craft Supplies
Handcrafted Items
Games & Entertainments
Name Your Best Offer
Items are available via pick-up
at our temple office on University Ave.
Thank you for supporting The Market Place and Moiliili Hongwanji Buddhist Temple.
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